When time permits clippings are uploaded as PDF files and you can click on the page image or article date (where underlined) to view actual clippings. where available. Some are now links to online articles that open in a new window, however many of these are now unavailable, icluing all Great Barr Observer links. Otherwise this page will provide a reference for articles that may be located at local libraries.
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  • 17th November 2015 - Great Barr Observer (online) - Friends of Red House Park given welcome cash boost for a new information board
  • 26th September 2015 - Great Barr Observer (online) - 'Big plans' for Great Barr beauty spot need public votes to kickstart fundraising
  • 8th September 2015 - Great Barr Observer (online) - Great Barr's support is needed to secure Red House Park funding
  • 13th February 2015 - Express and Star (online) - Protesters lose fight to save Sandwell's Red House
  • 12th February 2015 - Great Barr Observer (online) - End of an era in Great Barr as Red House Park housing plan is approved
  • 6th February 2015 - Express and Star (online) - Gloom in Red House campaign
  • 4th February 2015 - Great Barr Observer (online) - Site visit proposed for planned development at Red House Park, Great Barr


23rd December 2014 - Great Barr Observer (online) - Great Barr residents given more time to have say on Red House Park flats plans
21st December 2014 - Great Barr Observer (online) -Tom Watson MP offers backing to residents over Red House, Great Barr housing plan
8th December 2014 - Express and Star (online) - Red House will be transformed into homes
25th July 2014 - Great Barr Observer (online) - Great Barr's Red House could be turned into apartments
9th April 2014 - Sutton Observer (online) - Red House Park volunteers award for making Great Barr clean and green


2nd March 2013 - Birmingham Mail (online) - Walk in the Park: Graham Young visits Red House Park in Great Barr



18th February 2011 - Historic house is for sale after Friends' fight fails to save it
15th February 2011- Express and Star - Homes proposal for Great Barr’s Red House back on


28th August 2009 - Great Barr Observer - "Restored obelisk is unveiled"
27th August 2009 - Great Barr Chronicle - "Walking with bats"

30th May 2009 - Evening Mail - Vandal target Great Barr park again

19th March 2009 - Great Barr Chronicle - "Revamp for Red House"
19th March 2009 - Great Barr Chronicle - "Memorial monument to princess will be restored during the summer"
19th March 2009 - Express & Star - £50,000 work starts on lead-theft building"

January 2009

1st January 2009 - Great Barr Chronicle - "Monument to be restored"

December 2008

30th December 2008 - Express & Star - "Tennis court revamp is hit with friends"

November 2008

14th November 2008 - Great Barr Observer - "Major opposition to mosque plans"
8th November 2008 - Express & Star - "Historic house in £5m mosque plan"
7th November 2008 - Great Barr Observer - "Could Red House become mosque?" (front page)

August 2008

29th August 2008 - Great Barr Observer - "Red House overdue for cash boost"
22nd August 2008 - Great Barr Observer - "Campaign group is facing the axe" (No it wasn't)
14th August 2008 - Express and Star - "Historic Red House hit by metal thieves"

April 2008

10th April 2008 - Great Barr Chronicle -" Red House is Under Attack"

May 2007

11th May 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "Campaigners meet to discuss Red House"

April 2007

30th April 2007 - Express & Star - "Councillor gets stuck in" - Tree marks mayor's year
20th April 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "Views on Red House heard loud and clear"

February 2007

20th February 2007 -" RED HOUSE - BRICK WALL" - The Stirrer Online here,,,
20th February 2007 - Express & Star - "Cost to Revamp Red House rises to £1.7m"
9th February 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "The rich and varied history of the house YOU want to save"
9th February 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "Developers 'are not interested' in buying threatened Red House"
8th February 2007 - Great Barr & Erdington Chronicle - "Hundreds backing campaign to save mansion"
8th February 2007 - Great Barr & Erdington Chronicle - "Friends of Red House are meeting councillor"
7th February 2007 - Express & Star - "Showdown on bid to close park mansion"
5th February 2007 - Express & Star - "Hundreds in effort to save Red House"

January 2007

26th January 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "It's OUR house - let's have our say" / "Red House - Have your say"
25th January 2007 - Great Barr & Erdington Chronicle - "MP backs campaign to save Red House"
20th January 2007 - Express & Star - "Campaigners' anger over future of house"
19th January 2007 - Great Barr Observer - "Red House to be sold off as flats?"


Please note that due to shortage of web server space articles have not been able to be included for a while - these will be uploaded when time allows

October 2005

7th October 2005 - Tom Watson - MP West Bromwich East - Red House Park Meeting Note (web site)

September 2005

13th September 2005 - Express and Star - "Plea for sporting facility at park" (to be uploaded)
10th September 2005 - Express and Star - "Park plan for teens is lacking £10,000" (to be uploaded)
3rd September 2005 - Express and Star - "Historic building petition at 1,000" (to be uploaded)
2nd September 2005 - Great Barr Observer - "Simple to save it!" (to be uploaded)

August 2005

19th August 2005 - Great Barr Observer - "Fury after hall is left off priority list " (to be uploaded
18th August 2005 - Chronicle - "House won't be demolished - pledge" - online article
15th August 2005 - Express and Star - "Historic building will stay"
12th August 2005 - Express and Star - "Fight for historic house in booster"
6th August 2005 - Express and Star -"Talks over future historic site backed"
5th August 2005 - Express and Star - "Protest at sale of park history"
4th August 2005 - Express and Star - "Petition bid to save historic park house"
August 2005 - Focus 200 - "Sandwell Council is planning to sell off one of Great Barr's greatest assets"

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July 2005

1st July 2005 - Great Barr Observer - "Red House safe for two months"
thumbnail of article

June 2005

24th June 2005 - Express and Star - "Park plea for games area cash"
24th June 2005 - Great Barr Observer - "MP joins fight to save historic Red House"
23rd June 2005 - The Great Barr & Erdington Chronicle - "Historic home under threat says councillor" online copy
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17th June 2005 - The Great Barr Observer - "Future of Historic House under threat"
Link to press clipping

October 2004

21st October 2004 - The Great Barr & Erdington Chronicle - "Appeal to replace historic park gates"
Link to press clipping

July 2004

9th July 2004 - Great Barr Observer - "Residents called on to help clean-up"
thumbnail of article

Copyright 2009-2025 Anthony Lewis www.b43.co.uk