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John Kilbourn (3 August, 1838 — 16 June 1898) lived in Great Barr. Despite being self–taught, after leaving school early to join his father's basket–making business, his lectures on moral and social issues were very popular.

His most famous work was a sonnet:

'The Nightingale at Great Barr'

The sun is chambered in the distant west,
And night has spread her robes across the sky;
Nature is silent in expectancy,
And over all things lies the hush of rest.

The stars above their faithful sentry keep;
I listen for the music of the spheres,
Said to re-echo through the eternal years,
But every earthly sound and whisper sleep.

But hark! From out of the shadows comes a song,
So strangely sweet, that never was there wrought
such music out of human life or thought,
Nor earth's darkness do such notes belong.

The song is heard; the singer hides from sight;
Hath not God promised music in the night?


Ref: Paul McDonald: 'John Kilbourn: The Great Barr Nightingale', in The Blackcountryman', Vol. 39, No. 2, ISSN 0006-4335; Spring 2006

On 22 January 1992, Great Barr estate agent Stephanie Slater was kidnapped by Michael Sams and for eight days was kept imprisoned in a box without heat or light. She was released after the payment of a ransom. Her abductor was captured three weeks later and given four life sentences for her kidnap, the kidnap and murder of Leeds teenager Julie Dart and other blackmail attempts.

Her full story is given in the book, "Beyond Fear : My Will To Survive" by Stephanie Slater with Pat Lancaster. ISBN 1-85702-370-6 published by Fourth Estate Limited, London 1995.
Beyond Fear: My Will to Survive available at Amazon 

Stephanie now lives on the Isle of Wight. She has her own website

Copyright 2020 Great Barr Past and Present, Anthony Lewis
